Part III of Paul Virilio's
Open Sky had three sections: Eye Lust, Sexual Perversion, Sexual Diversion, and Escape Velocity.

The first concept that caught my eye was Virilio's discussion on dyslexia. My youngest brother has dyslexia so what he talked about really sparked my interest. He claims that dyslexia is a "kind of visual disorder" (91), which I think makes sense seeing as how you have to see the words in order to read them. He also claims that there is a "clear tendency of dyslexics to see only one image at a time instead of the two the human eye normally perceives when images file past in the same direction or are run past at high speed" (92). My brother could just be a different case, but he claims to just mix up the spelling of the words he sees. He is also lazy and will predict what a word is based on the first few letters. He is a slow reader which could relate to what Virilio is saying, but if he is looking at the words slowly, wouldn't he have an easier time reading since the words are not flying by at a fast speed? Another one of my friends is dyslexic but he reads extremely fast. He claims that when he was younger, he had a large amount of trouble in school, but once he learned to work through his dyslexia, he became an extremely avid reader. Do you think Virilio has a point with his claims on dyslexia? Why or why not?

Another thing that I found interesting was that Virilio talks about "love experienced at a distance" (107). This reminded me of some products I had seen on the internet or in Brookstone. There are pillows for long distance couples in which you can tell if one or the other is sleeping. There are also devices which allow couples to get intimate over long distances. Right before this he claims that the "test tube baby of in vitro fertilization" (107) is one of the most amazing examples of mix-ups in genetic information. I know several people who are test tube babies and I think it is something that is becoming more and more popular. Do you agree? Is this becoming a more popular method for conception? Should it be? Why or why not?
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